An act of defiant self love

An act of defiant self love

It’s essential to invest in ourselves and our businesses. 
Yet, we find ourselves in a predicament. 
First, we’re consistently told (through media and experiences) that womxn are less ambitious, less successful, less connected than our male counterparts. 
In addition, womxn (especially womxn of color) are often punished for their ambition, for being forthright, and for speaking truth to power. 
Womxn who are successful are often viewed in a negative light, particularly when addressing their personality. 
These biases directly impact womxn’s ability to rise the ranks and can leave our confidence tarnished. 
As Alicia Menendez, author of The Likeability Trap: How to Break Free and Succeed as You Are, puts it:
“Be nice, but not too nice. Be successful, but not too successful. Just be likeable. Whatever that means?” 
Therefore, it’s understandable that we may be hesitant to take the leaps necessary to grow our businesses. 
Let’s shift that frame of thinking. We deserve better.
No matter how you slice it, investing time, money, and energy in ourselves is always a leap of faith. 
And, it’s a risk that is critical for business growth. 
  • Investing time to connect with fellow entrepreneurs helps us build community and expand our horizons.
  • Investing money in personal and professional development guides us towards the success we’ve only dreamed of.
  • Identifying our goals and allocating resources is paramount to our ability to reach them.
No matter how you decide to invest in yourself, remember that in doing so, you’re carving out space for yourself and other womxn business owners to thrive. 
Investing in ourselves is an act of defiant self-love. 
We deserve it, we desire it, and we need it to grow. 
If you’re seeking a way to invest in yourself and your business, check out the Bloom Retreat
It’s an intentional retreat focused on rejuvenation: for yourself and your business. 
The Bloom Retreat is an opportunity for you to: 
  • Prioritize yourself
  • Escape from the daily grind
  • Collaborate with peers and industry professionals
  • Identify your goals and how to reach them
  • Discover community with fellow small business owners
Sounds awesome, right? Sign up to attend Bloom here.

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