Agatized coral is a gemstone that’s made of fossilized coral. It has been formed out of silica, much like other agates and jaspers. It is also often called petrified coral because it is a crystallized fossil.
It occurs in a variety of colors, sometimes with banding or veining, and is often translucent or transparent. Agatized Coral is said to give the strength and courage to do what is needed to attain one's highest ambitions. Agatized Coral is an attunement stone that works slowly but efficiently. It fosters subtlety in communication, which helps one convey one's feelings with clarity and precision.
Want to dive deeper into learning about this special stone? Read on!

Agatized Coral Properties
Agatized coral is a gemstone, but it isn’t just any gem. It’s actually fossilized and made of silica (silicon dioxide).
Agatized coral is also called petrified coral because the process of fossilization has replaced the original organic material with minerals, turning it into agate.
It occurs in a variety of colors, sometimes with banding or veining, and is often translucent or transparent.
Agatized coral is most often white (similar to the color of the original coral), but can also be red, orange, yellow, or green. The colors can be mixed or banded together. Agatized coral’s appearance is similar to the original coral it comes from; however, some agatized corals are translucent or transparent.
Benefits of Agatized Coral
Agatized Coral is said to give the strength and courage to do what is needed to attain one's highest ambitions.
Agatized Coral is an attunement stone that works slowly but efficiently.

Agatized coral, as a stone, will foster subtlety in communication. This is particularly helpful for those who find that they have trouble conveying their feelings with clarity and precision. It can help you calm down and think straight when you need to speak your mind.
The power of this stone is not just limited to the process of speaking; it also affects one's ability to listen. When used properly by someone who has mastered their own inhibitions and fears, agatized coral can help them overcome these obstacles so that they may communicate clearly and precisely with those around them.
Agatized coral also has a strong focus on the heart chakra, which is where we feel love for others. The stone teaches us empathy, compassion, and generosity so that we can be more open-minded about other people's thoughts and feelings.
The properties of agatized coral make it an excellent stone for people who feel they need extra help when they are speaking their mind during an argument with someone else (or just want something pretty to look at!). Its calming energies will ease your mind so you can think more clearly about what words you want to use next time you find yourself in this situation!
Consider picking some up from my shop today!